Unexpected trauma, for example from falls, collisions or sudden, energetic movements during sports, can overstress or even damage tissue, muscles, ligaments or bones. At the same time, overuse can also occur when repeated stresses and movements without adequate recovery cause microscopic tissue damage. Additionally, environmental factors such as slippery surfaces, inadequate equipment, or adverse weather conditions can increase the risk of injury. So sports injuries can occur in a variety of ways. But how can they be treated?

What sports injuries are there?
Depending on the sport, individual circumstances, and type of activity, sports injuries can take many forms. These include:
Contusions and bruises
Bruises or hematomas result from a fall, for example. The skin and underlying tissue are then temporarily damaged. These sports injuries are often painful and cause swelling and discoloration.
Strains and sprains
A strain is an injury in which muscle fibers are overstretched by very forceful movements. There is a similar situation with ligaments. Here we speak of sprains. Symptoms include pain, swelling and limited mobility.
Injuries to ligaments and tendons
Ligament injuries are damage to the connective tissue structures that stabilize joints. These can be, for example, overstretching, strains or tears. Sports injuries can also affect the tendons. Strains, inflammations or tears are typical. You can read more about this here: Tendon Injuries Frankfurt and Tendon Rupture Frankfurt.
These are inflammations of the bursae, which are located near joints and serve to reduce friction. They can result from repetitive strain or traumatic injury to the area of a bursa, causing inflammation and pain. Other typical symptoms include swelling and limited motion.
Bone fractures
Collisions, direct blows, falls or similar can lead to fractures. A distinction is made between small cracks in the bones up to a complete fracture. One bone can be affected, but also several.
Joint injuries
If you put excessive strain on your joints or twist them in an unfavorable way, this can lead to meniscus tears or cartilage damage, for example. Such injuries may be accompanied by pain, swelling, stiffness, limited mobility, redness, a feeling of warmth, and possibly cracking sounds in the affected joint.
Overuse syndromes
These occur when repetitive stress and activities without adequate recovery result in tissue damage. Typical symptoms include persistent pain in the affected area, muscle weakness or fatigue, impaired performance and often inflammation. These symptoms indicate the need to adjust training and provide adequate rest to prevent further injury. Typical examples are patellar tendinitis (runner’s knee) or tibial tendinitis. These two syndromes often occur in sports that require repetitive motion.
A dislocation occurs when the bones at a joint leave their normal position, resulting in a significant shift or dislocation. This can cause severe pain, swelling and limited mobility, and usually requires immediate medical attention to reposition the joint.
Sports medicine Frankfurt: Diagnostics before treatment
In order for us to know how to treat your sports injury, we first need to know what exactly is causing your discomfort. The diagnosis of sports injuries involves several steps:
Medical history and physical examination
First, we ask you about the circumstances of the injury, any presenting symptoms and your medical history. We then perform a thorough examination of the injured area to detect swelling, pain, limited range of motion and other signs.
Imaging procedures
Depending on the nature of the injury, we may involve imaging procedures. Two of these are available right in our office. For example, we work with a modern, high-resolution ultrasound machine as well as a fully digital X-ray machine. This enables us to secure many findings. If there is any uncertainty or if these two measures are not sufficient, we can consult MRI or CT. These examinations are performed externally.
Functional tests
In some cases, special functional tests are useful to check the mobility, strength and stability of the injured area. This allows us to determine the degree of impairment. This supports treatment planning.
Laboratory tests
For certain injuries, especially if infection is suspected, we may involve laboratory tests such as blood tests to detect inflammatory markers or other abnormalities.
Treating a sports injury: What are the options?
The treatment of a sports injury depends on the type and severity of the injury. The treatment options will result from our diagnostics. First, some basic tips:
Rest and sparing
One of the most important things to do with sports injuries is to rest and take it easy on the affected area. This allows your body to recover and heal from injuries.
Using cool packs, for example, can reduce swelling and inflammation.
By elevating the affected area above heart level, this can also help reduce swelling.
As part of sports medicine, we also offer you in our private practice for orthopedics and traumatology in Frankfurt.
In some cases, we will apply a compression bandage or elastic bandage. These methods can reduce swelling and improve the stability of the injured area.
We may prescribe pain medications for you to take as directed by us.
Cast or splints
More serious injuries, such as broken bones or more extensive ligament injuries, may require wearing a cast or splint to stabilize the area.
Kinesio taping
This is a technique in which we apply elastic tape to your skin to support muscle and joint function. Kinesio taping can help treat sports injuries by relieving pain, promoting circulation and reducing swelling. Furthermore, taping can help stabilize the affected area, allowing for faster recovery.
In our practice in Frankfurt, we also offer the traditional Chinese healing method of acupuncture to complement conservative therapy. It can help treat sports injuries by relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Thin needles that we place at specific acupuncture points on your body promote the release of the body’s own pain-relieving substances and increase blood flow. This can contribute to accelerated healing of injured tissue.
Shockwave Therapy
In this non-invasive treatment method, we direct high-energy sound waves specifically at the injured area. It can help treat sports injuries because: The therapy can improve blood flow and metabolism in the affected tissue, reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. It can relieve pain and speed healing, especially for tendon and muscle conditions such as tendonitis or fascia problems.
Physical Therapy
For many sports injuries, physical therapy can be helpful in restoring mobility, strength and stability. A physical therapist can recommend specific exercises and techniques.
Treating sports injuries: When is surgery necessary?
Surgery for a sports injury is usually considered when the injury is severe in nature and/or the above conservative treatment methods are not sufficient to adequately treat the injury.
Examples of sports injuries that may require surgery include complex bone fractures, severe ligament or tendon tears, and joint dislocations or instabilities. Surgery may also be indicated if your injury becomes chronic and conservative measures do not bring you improvement.
Factors such as the type and severity of the injury, your age and general health, and your athletic activities all influence the decision to have surgery. Careful evaluation and consultation is critical to choosing the best possible treatment option.
Sports medicine Frankfurt: treat sports injuries with Dr. Tabrizi
At our practice in Frankfurt, we specialize in treating sports injuries. With comprehensive diagnostics, a wealth of experience and a wide range of treatments, we can help you get back on your feet.
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